Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some of the website i worked on :

1. Library Management System :

             This is DBMS software that can be used in public libraries which records all the information of the activities of the library. Tools used are C# as front-end and MySQL Administrator as back-end.
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Library Management System

2. Car Parking Management System :

             This is CA (Computer Architecture) Project that’s manages the car parking problems. Tools used are VB.NET as front-end and MySQL as back-end.

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Car Parking System

3. Online Event Management System :

           This is a web application to provide the events organized by the event management company. Tools used are, C# as frontend and MySQL as backend.

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Online Event Management System

4. Price Fetch(Industrial Project) :

             This is a web application that enables the customer to tag the particular product and monitor it for price changes. It notifies the price changes of the product on the customers Facebook wall.
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Price Fetch