Saturday, July 13, 2013

14 Free HTML5/CSS3 Responsive Templates


I found very cool and beautiful HTML5/CSS3 templates that you can download for free. It also gives you the demo of the website. These website templates are built on intelligent HTML + CSS3, fully responsive, customizable and 100% free under the Creative Commons. These website templates are designed by AJ.




  Astral is a responsive template that is fully built on HTML5 and CSS3. This template is suitable for a personal portfolio website. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Arcana is a responsive template that is fully built on HTML5 and CSS3. It features a simple yet elegant design, solid HTML5 and CSS3 code, and full responsive support for desktop, tablet, and mobile displays. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Dopetrope is a responsive template that is fully built on HTML5 and CSS3. It includes a large slider section, dropdown navigation, alternate sidebar configurations, article columns and many other formatting styles. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.

Escape Velocity

  Escape Velocity

  Escape Velocity is a responsive template that is fully built on HTML5/CSS3 and is responsive. The site features a transparent look with full screen and ribbon styled effect for headings and titles. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Halcyonic is a free site template. It's responsive, built on HTML5 + CSS3, and includes 5 unique page layouts. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Minimaxing a fully responsive HTML5 site template.It features a simple, lightweight design, solid HTML5 and CSS3 code, and full responsive support for desktop, tablet, and mobile displays. The design is very sleek and perfect. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Miniport is a free, fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template. It comprises of a large type design, column support and ready contact form for any site. The design is very sleek and perfect. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Parallelism is a responsive template that is fully built on HTML5 and CSS3. This template is suitable for a portfolio website.Th website has Windows 8 Metro style content along with horizontal scroller for the creative portfolio works. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Striped is a free, fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template. The website design is clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements and a respositionable sidebar. The customisation can be done easily and quickly. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.

Strongly Typed

 Strongly Typed

  Strongly Typed is fully HTML5/CSS3 responsive template. It includes designs featuring a left sidebar, right sidebar, dropdown navigation and all formatting styles that is needed. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Telephasic is fully HTML5/CSS3 responsive template. It includes designs featuring a left sidebar, right sidebar, dropdown navigation and many other formatting styles. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Txt is a free, fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template. It's built on the skelJS framework, uses well-thought out HTML5 and CSS3, and is fully responsive making it a great starting point. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  Verti is a free and fully responsive HTML5 site template. This template is suitable for a personal portfolio website. It’s easy to customize and works very nicely on mobile devices. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.



  ZeroFour is a free and fully responsive HTML5 site template. This template is suitable for a personal portfolio website. It’s easy to customize and works very nicely on mobile devices. It is designed by AJ for HTML5 UP & released under the CCA license.

Click here for DEMO or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some of the website i worked on :

1. Library Management System :

             This is DBMS software that can be used in public libraries which records all the information of the activities of the library. Tools used are C# as front-end and MySQL Administrator as back-end.
Library Management System_image
Library Management System

2. Car Parking Management System :

             This is CA (Computer Architecture) Project that’s manages the car parking problems. Tools used are VB.NET as front-end and MySQL as back-end.

Car Parking System_image
Car Parking System

3. Online Event Management System :

           This is a web application to provide the events organized by the event management company. Tools used are, C# as frontend and MySQL as backend.

Online Event Management System_image
Online Event Management System

4. Price Fetch(Industrial Project) :

             This is a web application that enables the customer to tag the particular product and monitor it for price changes. It notifies the price changes of the product on the customers Facebook wall.
Price Fetch_image
Price Fetch